###############                      Introduction to R                        ###############

# Some basic things in R
# Firstly you will need to set your working directory. This is a place where R will go to look for  to import 
# any data you want and where R will store any files you make like figures and tables. 
# or
# to check that you are in the right directort type in the console 

# Storing information 
# To store the number 10 for later use:
# or 
# These are called objects and you can then use these in calculations 
# and you can store that too
# You can make a list of these objects this is called a vector
# and calculate things from that list
# or

## NB named objects are case sensitive
## The names you use cannot contain spaces and cannot be entirely numeric
a space<-10
# but
# You can view all your objects using 
# and you can remove an object 

# You can read in an external data set from a txt file or from excel, but you cant read in a .xls file only a .csv 
# so first convert your file to a .csv then read it into R
# this will import the data as a data frame
catch_effort<-read.csv(file="sample_data.csv", header =TRUE)

# note the first column name has changes to catch.year to remove the space

# r reads data frames by row then column so to see a specific number eg the catch of albacore in 2000
# [] use for data frame referencing 
# () used for functions
catch_effort[1,3] # [row, column]

# To change the column names
colnames(catch_effort)<-c("yy","hook", "ALB", "BET","YFT") 

# To make a new column of data with the catch totals you can use thr row sum function (rowSums)
# you need to assign this to a column in the data frame 

# is this correct? 
1162 + 2959 + 1993 # in 2000
# 6114 but the total is 20650 more than that
# so we need to leave out the first twp columnc


#You can also sum the columns you want

# calculate the total cpue

# How would you calculate the average cpue? 

# save the new data to something you can use again
write.csv(catch_effort,file = "catch_cpue.csv" ) # look at the csv file in excel there are row numbers in the file which can be annoying
# these can be excluded:
write.csv(catch_effort,file = "catch_cpue.csv", row.names = FALSE )
# You can also save the data you have created to an R data file
save(catch_effort, x, y, file = "catch.RData")
# or 
save.image(file = "catch_all_data.RData") # will save all active objects
# these are handy things to have as it means that you can access all you objects withour re-running all the code
# you can load them back into the R environmant using load eg:
#####      Plot some stuff      
plot(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$ALB)
#How can we make it nicer? 
plot(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$ALB, las=1)

plot(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$ALB, las=1, xlab="Years", ylab="Catch (t)")

plot(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$ALB, las=1, xlab="Years", ylab="Catch (t)", ylim=c(0,3500))
lines(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$YFT)
lines(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$BET, col="red")
savePlot(filename = "first_plot", type="png")

# Bar plots 

barplot(t(catch_effort[,c("ALB", "BET", "YFT")]), names.arg= catch_effort$yy, beside = FALSE)
## fix the y-axis so that the bars don't go above it and the labels look good
barplot(t(catch_effort[,c("ALB", "BET", "YFT")]), names.arg= catch_effort$yy, beside = FALSE, 
        ylim=c(0,7000), las=1, col=c("forestgreen","firebrick","yellow" ))
savePlot(filename = "first_bar_plot", type="png")
# what happens of you change besides= TRUE

# Box plots
load("cpue_data.RData") # load the data file 

boxplot(cpue ~ mm, data= cpue_dat, subset= sp_code =="FAL", las=1, col="red", ylab="CPUE kg/100 hooks", 
        main="Silky shark", cex.axis=0.8, xlab = "Years", ylim=c(0,200))

savePlot(filename = "box_plot1", type="png")

boxplot(cpue ~ yy, data= cpue_dat, subset= sp_code =="ALB", las=1, col="forestgreen", ylab="CPUE kg/100 hooks", 
        main="Albacore", cex.axis=0.8, xlab = "Years", ylim=c(0,100))

savePlot(filename = "box_plot2", type="png")

# Exercises 
# 1 Make all of the series from your first plot lines
plot(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$ALB, las=1, xlab="Years", ylab="Catch (t)", ylim=c(0,3500))
lines(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$YFT)
lines(catch_effort$yy, catch_effort$BET, col="red")

savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex1", type="png")

# 2 Make the same plot above but make the lines thicker and color the lines as follows:
# albacore - forestgreen
# bigeye - firebrick
# yellowfin - gold2
# add a legend in the top right corner 

savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex2", type="png")

# 3 remove the box around the legend

savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex3", type="png")

# 4 change the lines in the plot and the legend to be lines showing the data points as filled dots 
# in the plot and legend

savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex4", type="png")

# 5 add cpue as a new line on a secondary axis as a line with the data points as filled triangles
# hint you will need to make more space around the plot and create a new plot to overaly your original
# use par(new=TRUE)

savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex5", type="png")

# 6 Use the bar plot code above and add in a legend, and a heading "Catch of the three main tuna", 
# and x and y - axis labels 
savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex6", type="png")

# 7 use the plot call above to make individual plots for bigeye, yellowfin, albacore and your barplot 
# then plot each plot in its own panel with a heading on a single page  

savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex7", type="png")

# 8 Using the cpue_dat file make a box plot showing the annual cpue of yellowfin tuna by year

savePlot(filename = "first_plot_ex8", type="png")

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